by achcdevelopment | Sep 18, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
I went on the Whole30 Diet and here is what I have learned:I recently graduated from college and have moved home to work full-time while applying to Graduate School. Because of the change in living and everyday life, I have decided to do something a little bit...
by achcdevelopment | Sep 11, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
Summertime for me is full of sunshine, hiking in nature, picnics and ice cream. Lots of ice cream. I announced at work that I was going to do the Whole 30 and luckily Brittany jumped on board with me. It is always easier to start on a healthy...
by achcdevelopment | Sep 1, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
Dr. Kellie Hoover recently posted a video about the importance of vitamin D, which most Americans are lacking because they are indoors behind a computer all day. Vitamin D is a hormone that is made when sunlight reacts with the fat in your skin...
by achcdevelopment | Aug 21, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin that keeps us healthy! This time of year, when we are outdoors less frequently and the sun’s rays aren’t as direct, we need to begin supplementing. Watch the video for more info!
by achcdevelopment | Aug 1, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
Summer is zooming by, and as usual, school will be starting up again in most places within a few weeks. Most states either recommend or require spinal examinations for all school children, aimed at early detection of scoliosis, abnormal curvature of the spine. Even if...
by achcdevelopment | Jul 24, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
Here is one of the awesome prizes you can win! An IFC chameleon cup 🙂