Jonna is our January Star!

Jonna is our January Star!

Jonna started coming to IFC because she had struggled with headaches and neck pain for about 8 years.  When she started experiencing daily headaches and reaching for ibuprofen constantly she decided to make an appointment and do something about it!Jonna felt...
Unrealistic Expectations

Unrealistic Expectations

This post is not coming from Dr. Kellie, but from mama Kellie.I interact with a lot of women every day of my life, and it has come to my realization that our expectations, as well as others’, are completely unrealistic when it comes to postpartum recovery.I...
The truth about the flu shot

The truth about the flu shot

Cold and flu season- it is on the rise and quickly approaching. This must mean we should all run out and get our flu shot right? Wrong! Why bother with the nasty side effects the medication can cause when regular chiropractic care boost our immune systems and helps us...
Follow the Rainbow

Follow the Rainbow

Did you know eating healthy was as easy as following the rainbow?By making it a habit to have 5 colors on your plate for each meal you will automatically be incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet.  Here is a little breakdown of the importance of...
Don’t stress the Holidays!

Don’t stress the Holidays!

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, soon after it will be Christmas and then New Years!Studies have shown the stress and anxiety of the holiday season, especially during the months of November and December can manifest in symptoms we need to look out for:...

Don’t Get SAD – Get Glad!

Fall is upon us: pumpkin spice everything, falling leaves, Friday night lights, and that crisp fresh feeling of colder weather is creeping in. Except here in Iowa, we’ve hit a record high temperature for this time in September. Nevertheless, the days are...