by achcdevelopment | Oct 28, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized
You may or may not know – I just had my first baby recently 🙂 I knew I wanted to wear my baby as much as possible, for many reasons:There is evidence that the closer your baby is to you, the better your milk supply is! This is good news for breastfeeding...
by achcdevelopment | Oct 24, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized
How much money have you invested trying to find a “good” pillow?Here is one thing I can say for certain: it isn’t the pillow.Your chiropractor is used to hearing these lines:“It’s my mattress – I think I need a new...
by achcdevelopment | Oct 17, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized
Is caffeine really bad for kids?The short answer: YesThe long(er) answer: caffeine affects every part of the body. It makes your child’s heart beat faster, increases blood pressure, speeds up digestion, changes sleep patterns, and affects how well your child can...
by achcdevelopment | Oct 12, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized
Here at IFC, we focus on the nervous system first. Adjustments take your nerves closer to functioning at 100%, creating optimal performance of the brain, organs, muscles and joints. However, we also tend to supplement the adjustment with some form of muscle work...
by achcdevelopment | Oct 10, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized
Infant Massage Class with Cherie Dale, LMT, CIMT, CPMT* Learn massage techniques for your children ages 3 weeks – 4 years* Bring your baby and blanket* Pregnant couples welcome! Bring a baby 15″ doll to practice* Attending without child? That’s...
by achcdevelopment | Oct 3, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized
Say hello to Jackie! She was referred to our clinic a few months ago and has been a lovely spirit in our midst ever since. Jackie was eager to start her care for the back pain and migraines she was experiencing.She says her favorite part of coming to see us is how...