Proprioception: The 6th Sense

Proprioception: The 6th Sense

“Ninety percent of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine.” – Dr. Roger Sperry, 1981 Nobel Prize winner for brain researchWhen referring to the 6th sense, I am not talking about the supernatural...

Beat the Heat!

This summer is going to be a hot one! If you are anything like me, scorching hot days are the worst. I grew up in a home where the air conditioner only was turned on once the temperature was almost to the triple digits. Here are some great ways for you and your family...
Chiropractic make me sleepy

Chiropractic make me sleepy

Did you know that chiropractic adjustments can improve your sleep?I wouldn’t joke about such a precious thing. Almost 50% of Americans report that they do not get enough sleep and that it affects their daily lives. Poor quality sleep is very closely...


Let’s talk a little bit about life balance. I found some excellent tips on WebMD on how to create better balance in your life.Build downtime into your schedule. Drop activities that sap your time or energy. Rethink your errands.  Can you delegate your tasks...