Stress-free Wine and Coloring Night

Stress-free Wine and Coloring Night

We still have a few spots left! RSVP here.Come relax and have some fun with us! This is a perfect time to get a night out with friends. All supplies, snacks and drinks provided, you just need to show up. We will also be raffling off some stress-relieving gifts,...
Five Fun Facts About Your Spine

Five Fun Facts About Your Spine

1. Humans and giraffes both have 7 cervical vertebrae in their necks.  How is it that a giraffes neck can grow up to 7 feet tall?  Our tall friends have vertebra that can measure up to 11 inches!2.The spine has 3 curves and is so flexible that it can...
Chiropractic Miracles Newsletter

Chiropractic Miracles Newsletter

We hear a lot about the brain these days. The media gives us lots of information about brain diseases, like stroke or Alzheimer’s. But recently, there has been more of a push to educate the public about how to take better care of your brain, through good...