by achcdevelopment | Apr 18, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
Have you suffered from a brain injury resulting in disability, fatigue, brain fog, tremors, anxiety, depression, and/or the inability to focus? Hundreds of thousands of Americans also suffer from injury to the brain from concussive forces, better known as...
by achcdevelopment | Apr 17, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
Hello, my name is Kellie and I’m a crunchy mom.I don’t really care for that label, mostly because I feel like it makes others look at me like a weirdo. I still take showers and eat meat, no I’m not a hippie, and yes I like to shop at Target.Yet,...
by achcdevelopment | Apr 10, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
Getting to be outside when the weather is nice is the highlight of my day. Whether it is going for a walk on my lunch break, taking a ride on with my dad on his motorcycle, or even grilling, being outside is an essential part of my life. Below are four benefits of...
by achcdevelopment | Apr 1, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
April :: 2017 IssueDear Patient and Friend,We live in a complex world. Information flies at us at an overwhelming pace. And information on health and wellness abounds – but who do you listen to? How much water is sufficient, and how much is too much? How much...
by achcdevelopment | Apr 1, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized
Say hi to Alicia!Alicia has been seeing us for almost two years and we’re thrilled with the results she’s had. When she started, it was her severe neck pain that brought her in. She says that at her worst, she couldn’t move her neck from side to side...